
These 50 Photos Of Unique Individuals Prove That Genetics Are Unforgettable

These 50 Photos Of Unique Individuals Prove That Genetics Are Unforgettable
  • PublishedMay 19, 2024

2) Raynaudโ€™s Disease

Raynaudโ€™s Disease
Raynaudโ€™s Disease

Raynaud’s syndrome, named after the French physician Jean-Athanase Raynaud, is the most common type of vaso-occlusive disease. It leads to a partial or complete reduction in blood supply to the fingers and toes, resulting in coldness and tingling that can be uncomfortable and disrupt the normal function of these body parts. Typically, Raynaud’s starts as a localized episode lasting a few days and may progress to affect other areas like the face, upper arms, lower legs, and genitalia. Without treatment, Raynaud’s can cause permanent damage to vital organs such as the heart, eyes, and kidneys.